all things new

October 5, 2010

i sat journaling this morning, reading the Word, feeling led to just be still and rest in Him. after a little while, i journaled about my upcoming dr appt today, and my desire to have His eyes for it.

My doctor is not my peace-giver, my Savior is … my doctor is just reporting on the miracle our Creator is performing!! =) i like that perspective.

because, these appointments can be “loaded”, for me … some anxiety, some expectation, some hopefulness  – all mixed in. and today, i was in the same exam room as when we were told last year that our we had lost our baby. and i sat there in the silence, waiting for the doctor, and remembering. it was like it happened yesterday. i had to take my thoughts captive before they ran in that direction of fear … and then again, when the nurse was searching for baby’s heartbeat and couldn’t quickly find it: thoughts, captive. i just lay there, claiming truth, seeing the spiritual battle and refusing the enemy any victory.

and there was that heartbeat!! there is no sweeter sound …

and i thought:

He does, He is, He will … make all things new.

2 Responses to “all things new”

  1. Meredith Says:

    I remember writing in my journal often that being pregnant was the time when I felt myself most at spiritual warfare. I have never had to work so hard at putting my trust in God!

    I’m glad all went well yesterday!

  2. amy Says:

    congratulations on your pregnancy! so glad that our God is giving you grace to fight fear with truth and trust 🙂

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